Women's Ministries

Women's Book Club 

You are invited to join other SOTH ladies for a monthly book club. We meet every third Tuesday of the month at different women's homes. The books we read are from Pierce County Library book kits, so no one has to buy books to participate. It is a wonderful way to meet and get to know other gals in the church. Plus we read lots of books which none of us would be likely to read on our own. Interested in joining us?
 Contact the office for more information.

Special Events

The women of the church also gather occassionally for retreats, brunches, and baby and bridal showers.  
See the Sunday announcements for any upcoming events!

Women's Bible Study

Thursdays at 10:00am in the Library

On Thursday, January 16 we will begin a twelve-week study of the Book of Proverbs, by Lydia Brownback. Proverbs provides wisdom for reflecting God's glory in the details of daily life and in one's relationships. All women are welcome. We meet in the library at 10:00 each Thursday morning. Contact the church office for more information.

 If you have any questions, please contact Bev C. or the church office.