Good Friday Worship Service, Friday, March 29, 2024

Mar 29, 2024    Rev. John Asher

This worship service is a different take on the Stations of the Cross. Together we will journey through Jesus' final moments through the eyes of his disciple, Peter. It is a service of confession, lament, and repentance. Through Peter's experience, we will consider our own.

As an online participant, please use the instructions below that are adapted for home use. You will need two pieces of paper, a pen, and communion elements (a plain grain cracker/bread and juice/water).


Station One: On a small sheet of regular paper, write the names of people and/or communities you feel God calling you to serve. Hold these written prayers for use later in the service.

Station Two: On another sheet of regular paper, write the names of people you profoundly love. Hold these written prayers for use later in the service.

Station Three & Four: No special instructions

Station Five: Tear apart or ball up the pieces of paper you wrote earlier in the service, and discard them in the trash. Partake of your communion elements.

Station Six: Hold a minute of silence, then depart the service by closing the livestream.

Credits and Attributions:

Really? by Hannah Garrity | A Sanctified Art LLC |

Liturgy by T. Denise Anderson | A Sanctified Art LLC |

Music Licensing and Attribution:

CCLI License # 1452675

Streaming License CCLI#20581555